All too often you walk into a gym without your fitness plan. I mean a real plan, an ultimate plan. A goal plan.
Your fitness plan.
I’m not talking about the plan to do a workout. I’m talking about your fitness plan to set a new PR.
If someone asks you your ultimate dream fitness goal, you should be able to spout it out. Because Step 1 of making a plan is knowing where you are going. So if you are the guy or gal who just stares blankly for a few minutes thinking, wondering and grasping when someone asks you your goal, then you need to sit down for a bit. You need to really think about it, and you need to write it down.
Of course, then you also have to have your mile marker goals. You will fail at a hundred mile journey if there isn’t any marker posts along the way. So what are they? What are the steps and processes you need to figure out and achieve?
Really, what I’m asking here is, what is your plan? What is your road map? How will you get to where you are going? And where is it you are going anyhow?
You will have to know the answers before you can really get moving on your way. So take the time to figure it out. Take the time to get on the road to success.