You vs You

You vs. You

That’s all there really is.

It shouldn’t be about beating the athlete next to you unless you are walking into the arena of a competition.

It shouldn’t be about what they can do, but instead about what you CAN do.

It shouldn’t be about who got the fastest WOD score, but about how you compared to last time.

It should be about you vs. you.

Hopefully it should be about you obliterating the old you.


It should be about crushing your old times by extreme amounts.

About R’x-ing WODs you used to have to scale.

About bitch slapping your goals into line.

It should be about how many times you made it into the box this week versus last week.

About how much you could deadlift today versus last month.

About how much you can do now versus last year.

Stop constantly comparing, wishing, pining for what some other athlete can do but you can’t.

There are freakishly good athletes out there – in fact, many of them will be on show all week.

Use them as inspiration and a source of information on training and technique.

Not as a source of desire or a way to put yourself down.

Compare you to you.

That is the only measuring stick that is true.

It is the only one that matters.

You vs. you, everyday.

Create a custom fitness journal to push yourself against yourself!

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