We set this page up to show reviews and, when possible, to show the covers the customers received. Hopefully you’ll get some ideas.

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Based on 1,222 reviews
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Customer Images

Image #1 from Patty Z.
Image #1 from Stephen D.
Image #1 from Vivien K.
Image #1 from Zoe
Image #1 from Monica G.
Image #2 from Monica G.
Image #1 from Whitney C.
Image #1 from Elizabeth E.
Image #1 from Adam Coyne
Image #2 from Adam Coyne
Image #1 from Patty Z.
5 out of 5

Patty Z.

These journals will be such an asset to my clients for staying on track!

Image #1 from Stephen D.
5 out of 5

Stephen D.

The team at custom journal did a first class job. You can tell they thought about the quotes and were able to help with the custom logos we used. Great!

Image #1 from Vivien K.
5 out of 5

Vivien K.

good pricing! You get what you paid for! Very good quality! Shipping on time! Im so amazed!black and white custom weightlifting journal with picture and text

Image #1 from Zoe
5 out of 5


Super pleased with how it turned out. Journal Menu included every personalized feature I wanted, and the cover looks fantastic! Can't wait to start using it with my new workout program !! Thanks Journal Menu!!blue and pink custom fitness journal with text

Image #1 from Monica G.
5 out of 5

Monica G.

Designed one for myself and my friend for CrossFit which was a great way to track nutrition, PRs, and had a weight percentage chart too!multi colored journal with barbell and blue text

Image #2 from Monica G.
5 out of 5

Monica G.

Designed one for myself and my friend for CrossFit which was a great way to track nutrition, PRs, and had a weight percentage chart too!multi colored journal with barbell and blue text

Image #1 from Whitney C.
5 out of 5

Whitney C.

Very happy with our reorder!! Awesome books that our clients love!pink and purple watercolor barbell journal with livenup fitness logo

Image #1 from Elizabeth E.
5 out of 5

Elizabeth E.

The only thing that would have been better was if it was a hard cover, but very happy with it. A lot more pages than expected too.

Image #1 from Adam Coyne
5 out of 5

Adam Coyne

Reordering is really easy and quick.

Image #2 from Adam Coyne
5 out of 5

Adam Coyne

Reordering is really easy and quick.

Image #3 from Adam Coyne
5 out of 5

Adam Coyne

Reordering is really easy and quick.

Image #1 from Patty Z.
Image #1 from Stephen D.
Image #1 from Vivien K.
Image #1 from Zoe
Image #1 from Monica G.
Image #2 from Monica G.
Image #1 from Whitney C.
Image #1 from Elizabeth E.
Image #1 from Adam Coyne
Image #2 from Adam Coyne
Image #3 from Adam Coyne
1-5 of 1222 reviews
  1. Turned out perfectly! Great quality

  2. Polite and communicative!

  3. Love these workout journals! Turned out great

  4. The Workout journals turned out great and the team was able to design them exactly how I wanted and was prompt with their emails.

  5. See above.

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